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Сократить диалог, оставив смысл

Аделя Гатина Ученик (96), открыт 1 неделю назад
Нужно сократить диалог, оставив его смыслЗаранее спасибо ❤️
2 ответа
Вамфарий Громобойников Гуру (4175) 1 неделю назад
Here is a shortened version of the dialogue, retaining its main meaning:

Suzy: The giraffe in the picture is so sweet!

Vanessa: I've actually adopted him at the zoo. When you visit, you can donate monthly to help pay for an animal's needs, like food and enclosure cleaning. Some of the money also goes towards the zoo's conservation programmes for endangered species.

Suzy: That's great! Do you get anything in return?

Vanessa: Yes, an adoption certificate and a ticket to visit your animal anytime. I could give you an adoption certificate as a birthday gift!

Suzy: Fantastic! Thanks, Vanessa!

The key points are:
- You can adopt zoo animals by donating to cover their care
- The money also supports conservation of endangered species
- Adopters receive a certificate and free zoo admission to visit their animal
- Vanessa offers to give Suzy an animal adoption for her birthday
Аделя ГатинаУченик (96) 1 неделю назад
Спасибо большое!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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