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Помогите пожалуйста по поводу английского. 10 класс

Артём Мишин Ученик (113), закрыт 4 года назад
Составьте предложения из данных слов. Поставьте глаголы в нужной форме, используяPresent Simple or Present Continuous.

think about/ I /litter

think/ litter is ugly /I

toys/the children/have/

a good time /the children/have/

new clothes /the designer /look at/

beautiful /new clothes /look/

a dog /blind (слепой) man /look for/

a dog/blind/man/see

listen to/ musician / the instrument

an instrument/ musician /hear/

meal /cook /smell/

ready to eat/food /smell/
Лучший ответ
Кирилл Бачериков Профи (820) 4 года назад
2. speaks
3. is waiting
4. are you listening
5. do you listen
6. flows
7. is flowing
8. grow
9. is improving
10. is staying, always stays
11. am starting
12. am learning. is teaching
13. finish, am working
14. live, do your parents live
15. is looking, is staying
16. does your father do, is not working
17. enjoy, am not enjoying
18. always leaves
19. is always leaving
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