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Помогите пожалуйста с этим заданием!!!

Мария Бойчук Ученик (114), на голосовании 4 года назад
№9 Answer the questions with A LITTLE or A FEW as in the example.
1. "Do you want some biscuits?"
"Yes, a few."
2. "Have you got any toothpaste?"
"Yes, .."
3. "Were there any people at the meeting?"
"Yes, .."
4. "Do you want some cake?"
"Yes, .."
5. "Are there any car parks near here?"
"Yes, .."
6. "Have you got any bread?"
"Yes, .."
Голосование за лучший ответ
Екатерина Девяткина Знаток (384) 4 года назад
2) yes, a little
3) yes, a few
4) yes, a little
5) yes, a few
6) yes, a little
Марьяна ВоковаЗнаток (368) 4 года назад
молодец! всё верно!
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (150087) 4 года назад
1. "Do you want some biscuits?"
"Yes, a few."
2. "Have you got any toothpaste?"
"Yes, a little.."
3. "Were there any people at the meeting?"
"Yes, .a few."
4. "Do you want some cake?"
"Yes, .a few."
5. "Are there any car parks near here?"
"Yes, .a few."
6. "Have you got any bread?"
"Yes, a little.."
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